106 - University Goodwill - Coliseum Area
, Inbound,
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Please choose a stop for arrivals:
University Parkway At Goodwill Shelter
University Parkway & Deacon Boulevard
University Parkway & Baity Street
Cherry Street & Reynolda Boulevard
Reynolds Boulevard & Shorefair Drive
Deacon Boulevard At Shorefair Drive
30th Street & Millbrook Drive
Greenway Avenue & 28th Street
Pittsburg Avenue & 27th Street
Pittsburg Avenue & 25th Street
Cherry Street & 24th 1/2 Street
Cherry Street & 23rd Street
Cherry Street & 20th Street
Cherry Street & 17th Street
Cherry Street & Pittsburg Avenue
Cherry Street & 14th Street
14th Street & Garfield Avenue
14th Street & Clark Avenue
14th Street & Underwood Avenue
Underwood Avenue & 13th Street
Underwood Avenue & Northwest Boulevard
Trade Street & Northwest Boulevard
Trade Street At Hampton Haith Building
Martin Luther King Jr Drive and Liberty Street
Transit Center Bay D3